Team Assessment

Leadership isn't just about professional growth—it's about how teams and organizations work and lead TOGETHER.

Executive 360° Coaching offers thorough team assessment and development. Built on the same model and theory as the LCP, the Collective Leadership Assessment® (CLA) provides a compelling way to assess effectiveness at the group, team, and organizational levels.

Moving beyond individual insights to measure the impact of group behavior, the CLA helps teams identify the gaps in their collective functioning, navigate leadership dynamics, and align more effectively.

Collective Leadership Assessment®

  • Is your team ready?

    This is deep development work and doing that kind of work as a group is more complicated than at the individual level. Before we agree to engage in the CLA, we will need to consider the requirements for readiness to determine if it’s a good time for your group to engage in this process.

    1. Is the Senior Leader onboard? Are they able to lead authentically and transparently? Are they well-versed in their own developmental journey and willing to openly model this process? Without a walk-the-talk senior leader in place, this process won’t have the rudder it needs for success.

    2. Is there covert conflict in the team that will derail the process? Any elephants that need ushering out before we begin? Hidden, underground dynamics are the ones that are known and felt by members of the group, but are not openly addressed. Before engaging in the CLA, we need to clear those out.

    3. Are the members of the team present and permanent, or are there upcoming changes in the works? None of us have a crystal ball, but if personnel changes are already known or in process, we will wait to begin the CLA until the new group has had a few months to settle in together.

  • Flexible Assessment Design

    The CLA is useful for many purposes.

    A team can self-assess and engage in its own collective development. Working with this quantitative data-set outlining the group’s strengths and the the distance their aspirations, Executive 360° Coaching can facilitate their growth toward greater alignment, cohesion, and purpose.

    From a team-to-team vantage point, one group can assess another, which can be enlightening. For example, the Operations Team could assess the collective impact of the C-Suite Team, revealing potent dynamics at play that, now identified, can be addressed. Or a group of leaders can look up and analyze their board of directors, resulting in a valuable perspective of how the board is serving and how they might improve their collective impact.

    In a small to mid-sized organization, results can be gathered from everyone and organized in breakout reports in whatever manner will serve the organization the best.

  • Results & Next Steps

    The CLA report will give a team many entry-points for beginning this intentional development process together and Executive 360° Coaching will be there to facilitate the process. It is a robust set of data and can be sorted in many meaningful ways. Wherever the team is inspired to go, we will go!

    Based on which potentials for growth the team chooses to focus on, we will tailor specific curriculum from the Leadership System® to provide the experiential learning needed for their unique transformation.

    The training sessions will be scheduled 4 - 6 weeks apart, with topics such as “Exploring Relationship Barriers”, “Challenging Assumptions”, “Creating a Culture of High Accountability”, or “Courageous Conversations”.

    Click through to learn more about the Leadership System®.