Professional Development

Upgrading your internal operating system — your inside game — takes more than insight, information, and a personalized plan.

It happens over time, with focused experiments, accountability mechanisms and reinforcing experiences along the way. That’s why Executive 360° Austin offers a Professional Development journey.

The first step to growing beyond where you are is understanding where you are now and what got you here. What got you here is something to celebrate because it actually got you all the way here!

As the saying goes, though, “What got you here won’t get you there.” For a leader who has goals beyond where they are, it’s time to update the INNER GAME.

To grow from here, engage in our Professional Development program. Beginning with a dynamic process of articulating what your meaningful outcome looks like, we look to your Leadership Circle Profile® to explore the hidden parts and blind spots that have been in your way. We then go on a deep-dive to illuminate the mindset that has kept you in old habits — those that no longer serve you. (Lots of your old habits are still effective!) Then we craft experiments of change and practice, practice, practice, repeatedly challenging the old mindset to gradually and assuredly make our way to your desired future.

Structured & Personalized Professional Development

  • 1. Define the Gap & Map the Mindset

    The “gap” is the space between where you are and where you want to grow. We will keep the journey focussed on your “One Big Thing” - a professional development goal we identify that, if accomplished, will provide visible value for your team and a visceral sense of fulfillment and meaning for you.

    It will be a game-changer. In this case, it will start with an inner-game change.

    We need a good map before we venture forth — the topographic map of your mindset. We will explore the values and beliefs at play, the unconscious and competing factors which have kept your desired change from happening so far.

  • 2. Grow Awareness & Challenge Habits

    Once we have the map in hand, you will go sequentially through our structured exercises designed to grow your awareness of how these newly identified dynamics impact your choices, outlook, and behavior.

    We will concretely identify scenarios where you want to show up on the other side of your gap. Using a combination of reflection, action, and coaching, we will and set up workable experiments to challenge your old, limiting habits.

  • 3. Strengthen Updated Mindset & Gather Feedback

    With a handful of “wins” increasing your confidence, we complete this program by reinforcing your new awareness, consolidating the progress you have made, refining your new insights, and designing ways to sustain your continued growth beyond this program.

    As we walk methodically through our modules, you begin to actually update your mindset, ultimately transforming how you know yourself, how you understand the world, and how you operate.